Timothy Taylor's

Poulter's Porter

Rich, Dark & Warming Porter

Poulter’s Porter is a rich, dark, warming 4.8% porter with hints of coffee, chocolate and liquorice – perfect for crisp winter evenings.


Brewers' Notes

Pure Knowle Spring Water
Golden Promise, Brown Malt, Chocolate Malt, Crystal Rye Malt
Whole Leaf Hops
WGV/Goldings, Fuggles, Savinjski Goldings
Taylor's Taste Strain
Malt, Rye, Hops, Yeast, Sugar, Water
Units Per Serving
Dark, Mahogany
Chocolate, Smoky, Coffee
Coffee, Vanilla, Liquorice
Bitterness / IBU 28
Best Enjoyed At
Food Pairing
Tandoori Spices, Game Birds, Smoked Bacon, Mature Cheddar
Calories Per 100ml

Poulter's Porter Awards

Brewing Industry Awards

Champion Beer - International Dark Beer - International Brewing Awards

Gold Medal - International Dark Beer - International Brewing Awards

Silver Award - Class 3 for Dark Beer 4.8%–5.7% ABV - International Brewing Awards

Gold - Bottle & Can Stout & Porter - SIBA North East Independent Bottle & Can Beer Awards

Silver Medal - British Bottling Institute

Diploma for the Bottle Design, Labels and Tray Design - British Bottling Institute

About Poulter's Porter

In April 1918 the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, 4th Battalion, fought in defence of the small French town of Erquinghem-Lys during the final great German offensive of World War I. During the fighting the Dukes suffered a total of 15 officers and 391 soldiers killed, wounded or missing.

Private Arthur Poulter, a stretcher-bearer with the Dukes, was awarded a Victoria Cross for carrying 10 wounded comrades to safety under heavy enemy fire. When asked afterwards by a local journalist where he got his strength from, he put it down to his days working for Timothy Taylor’s maltings carrying heavy sacks of barley.

For most conspicuous bravery when acting as a stretcher-bearer, at Erquinghem-Lys on 10th April 1918. On ten occasions Private Poulter carried badly wounded men on his back to a safe locality, through a particularly heavy artillery and machine-gun barrage. Again, after a withdrawal over the river Lys had been ordered, Private Poulter returned in full view of the enemy, who were advancing, and carried back another man who had been left behind wounded. He bandaged-up forty men under fire, and his conduct throughout the whole day was a magnificent example to all ranks. This very gallant soldier was subsequently seriously wounded when attempting another rescue in the face of the enemy.
London Gazette, 28th June 1918

In November 1998, to mark the 80th anniversary of the Armistice, this exceptional act of heroism was recognised by the town of Erquinghem-Lys with the unveiling of a memorial to Private Poulter VC.

This was only the second time since 1918 that such a memorial had been erected by a French town for an English soldier. The Duke of Wellington’s Regiment provided the guard of honour that day and Timothy Taylor’s beer was the vin d’honneur at the reception. Private Poulter’s family donated his medal to the Regiment in August 1999 and it now resides in the Regiment’s museum in Halifax.

So, it’s with pride that we can pay tribute to this hero with a Porter as full of character as he was. Here’s to you Arthur!

Pub cellar spotted doing 56mph down the M6.

Pub cellar spotted doing 56mph down the M6.

Don’t be alarmed, it’s just one of our lorries. Good beer needs to travel well. So to ensure our beer is delivered to pubs in perfect condition, we designed our own lorries that always keep our casks at cellar temperature, whatever the weather. They keep our beers between 10 and 12 degrees, allowing for the correct conditioning that gives Landlord its clean and crisp flavour. So however near or far from the brewery you are, you’re always going to get that taste of Taylor’s.

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